Gymkata Nabors

I am not very fond of this woman
This ugly fucking piece of shit is the worst human being ever to walk the face of this earth.

The cult of one
When I saw this was going to be featured I thought "This film has a cult following, I thought I was the founder and only member. I guess I was wrong." After reading the comments evidently I was right.

@Shoulder, Interesting opinion, if only it wasn't the complete opposite of reality.

I'm not familiar with the song Regulators, but if you like smooth hip-hop you should check out Regulate by Warren G featuring Nate Dogg.

Don't get me wrong, J.K. was great as JJJ, but I've always thought R.Lee Ermey was born to play J. Jonah.

I actually watched an episode of this show.
I sat there with my mouth agape for the entire hour. I couldn't believe something this bizarre, misguided, and amazingly awful could be created and make it to air, even on NBC.
I was also very dismayed that the great Keith David would agree to join the cast. Vinnie Jones

Hot Tub Time Machine and Magruber were the two funniest films I saw all year. I don't understand the hate.

I think Corin's best work is in either the tv movie "I Know my first name is Stephen" or in Toby Keith's masterful music video for "Beer for my horses"

Pet Semetary is terrible. Pet Semetary 2 is worth watching for the amazing Clancy Brown.

@ Winnebego Man

Paul Reiser was nothing like William Atherton in Aliens. He was closer to Woody Allen than Atherton.

Finally! Some love for 8 Million Way to Die, movie rules and a young Roseanna Arquette. SPROING! How about more love for Wild Bill? How about any love for Against All Odds? If you can get past the Phil Collins that movie is pretty terrific.

Lori Singer is pretty, um, ugly.

Three of the greatest comedies of all time!!

Uhhh, ain't nobody seen The King of Comedy?

@Jorge How does Arlington Road qualify? Tim Robbins really was a mad bomber.

You know, the thing about Cobra is he hates lousy shots. He much prefers bag guys that are crack shots that will blow his head off with ease.

I would like to fuck an actual black swan, but I'm afraid it would give me AIDS.

The Debtors review on IMDB
Check it out, I have a funny feeling Evi's been dabbling in the art of film review

Dear Hollywood Star-Whackers