Gymkata Nabors

Dream Warriors fucking rules!!
"hey Joey, you found your dream power, man!"
Kincaid sucks.

I saw Poltergeist in the theater when I was 8 years old. It scared the sweet-living fuck out of me. I was bawling by the time the tree comes alive and tries to eat Robbie. I begged my Mother to leave. Her reply: "If you don't like the movie, go sit in the lobby." To this day I still hate my mother.

Christian Bale is no Kurt Thomas.

That Maverick is a slacker, his father was a slacker.

I'd like to see Spider-man go up against The Wizard.
Luke Edwards could use the work.

Hey Frat, remember when I long-dicked you and broke your ovaries?

It still looks better than Mary Shelly's Frankenstein.

I'd certainly like to see a live action Beetle Baily movie reuniting Charlie Sheen and Oliver Stone.

Black Dynamite
Blink and you'll miss him but that's Michael Jai White in the barroom fight scene.

C.H.O.M.P.S., 21!

Thanks y'all, I will continue with the series.

perhaps, when a rape occurs within a panel of judges at a beauty pageant? If that's a storyline in this comic, count me in!!

he gets a ride to work from Dick Trickle

The comics
I just read the first volume. Pretty decent. Is it worth reading the whole series?

I think the real question for Mr. Norton: What was it like banging Courtney Love all those years?

Ah, the good old days when Jenna Elfman was a movie star. I can never decide which film is my favorite, Keeping the faith, EDTV, or Krippendorf's Tribe.

True story
I used to work in a video store and shortly after this movie was released a couple of mouth-breathers came in and asked if I had a Vietnam War movie called "Coming home in a body bag". Barely suppressing my laughter, I told them no, but I heard it was a good fuckin' movie.

While Black Dynamite does kick serious ass…
Can he combine the skill of gymnastics with the kill of karate?
I seriously doubt it.