
Actually here in Ireland there is a pretty large contingent that would adamantly argue that football refers to Gaelic Football not soccer.

I'd be a dick too if someone locked me in a little tank and tried to 'train' me. So yeah, still love otters.

This is very true. I have pretty much never liked a show based solely on its pilot. Not even Breaking Bad, which i'm now obsessed with.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, I think that is a completely valid and admirable worldview but for me, as much as I love thought provoking and deep pieces of art, sometimes I want to watch pretty people fight each other and make clever/cheesy quips in service of a broad, fun plot. With lots of explosions and

Oh I'm well aware of that. I'm just a very methodical person so I'm branching into comic books stage by stage in my own weird system. Once I have a certain level of comfort with Marvel and DC (The characters of which were what drew me towards comic books) I will definitely start branching out and exploring the wider

I would like another strong female led book, I've been loving Wonder Woman and Batwoman over at DC so I'll definitely check it out!

Thanks, I'll check them out!

Thanks this a great list! Yeah I've been reading as many Batman Trades as I can get my hands on as he is probably my favorite hero from my pre-comic book days, I'll check out some of these others too. Thanks all of you for responding!

Hello all, I recently started cautiously making my way into the world of comic books after years of wanting to but being to intimidated by choice and continuity etc. I'v managed to get into a few DC books but am now looking for a few Marvel titles to start on. So, would anyone be able to recommend some titles to jump

Hunnam is practicing for 50 Shades

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus sorry it wouldn't let me reply directly for some reason. Anyway, first of all I think we all know this is a deeply subjective matter and I can certainly see the validity in your points. I think a major factor for me is that I am not very familiar at all with comic books

Im in neither demographic really, being in my early twenties. I agree about comic book shops, I really didn't find them to be at all user friendly. I'v been using book shops and Amazon. I agree that they could be doing a better job to appeal to kids and personally in my short time reading comic books have developed a

This is my standard method of applying A.V club grades as well.

I see your point, still I'm kind of an obsessive when it comes to things like this and I like the idea of having a clearly defined point to start collecting from. Unfortunately I mostly started reading comics for Batman so…I didn't really get to avoid the continuity mess…I just got to see it get more confusing.

I see comments like this a lot, criticizing the actual content of the titles I get but I feel that resetting the continuity actually was a good idea, just terribly executed. The old continuity was a twisted mess that made things almost impossible for new readers.

I actually started reading comic books because of the New 52. I think the concept is a good one but the execution has been very poor. Rebooting the continuity was necessary to bring in new readers, there's no way I'm spending thousands in trades just to catch up on continuity. And reading a plot summary online is not

I liked Man Of Steel. Not loved…liked. But I shall defend your opinion to the death sir.

I think people consistently fail to take into account that comic books do not exist in this weird vacuum/club where everybody has been reading them for years and is able to follow the continuity. I always found Batman as a character fascinating, as well as many other superheroes. I absolutely loved the Animated Series

I've been wanting to start reading comic books for years now and thoroughly enjoy the superhero genre in cartoons, movies and what little I've seen of comic books. Everything about them appeals to me. Especially the often beautiful art styles. However I keep putting off getting started simply because…I have no idea

As a long-standing (though admittedly young) fan of Superheroes and particularly Superman in comic books and cartoons this actually sounds like exactly what I want out of a new Superman movie. Obviously I will reserve judgement until I actually see the movie tonight but my anticipation for it remains undiminished. I