
Agreed that the soundtrack could have done with some more personality and yes the development of the Lizard left a lot to be desired and could really only be explained by fan theories like your friend's. I didn't think the development was too bad but could have used a few more minutes of screentime. Though I do think

Agreed that the soundtrack could have done with some more personality and yes the development of the Lizard left a lot to be desired and could really only be explained by fan theories like your friend's. I didn't think the development was too bad but could have used a few more minutes of screentime. Though I do think

  Alright lads, long time reader, first time commenter here. I have finally taken the plunge and actually registered to express my complete disagreement with this review and the general tone of the comments here. I just got back from seeing this movie and as a huge comic book/movie fan I have to say I loved every

  Alright lads, long time reader, first time commenter here. I have finally taken the plunge and actually registered to express my complete disagreement with this review and the general tone of the comments here. I just got back from seeing this movie and as a huge comic book/movie fan I have to say I loved every