
"…but I’ve always been surprised by how much people feel affection for him."

Freikörperkultur is actually based on not being shamed of your body and it is very commonly practiced by Germans with very non-ideal bodies. It was established long before the Nazi's came up. The Nazi's starting oppressing it at first and later embraced it (without actually pushing it, it was more acceptance than that

BTW. Beyonce is one of the most popular artists, so your example is rather ridiculous. But if you are a huge bebop fan, you will probably have to really go looking for people with a similar interest and there is probably a lack of modern bebop music, properly remastered music, bebop movies, bebop disco's, bebop on

I just have trouble understanding what is so overwhelming in our culture for LGBTQ people. Is it that hetero relationship culture is often portrayed, while homo relationship culture is not, so it hard to grow up homo? Or do you need validation that you are not abnormal? Or is there a lack of cultural expressions out

"We're still considered the exception."

Sorry, if you are a man criticizing a woman you are clearly sexist. Judging people based on gender is the way SJWs prove to the world how progressive they are.

"i like funny satirical comments"

Racist statement nr 1: I know your race due to your opinion

For the same reason people hate Lena Dunham, the Kardashians, Paris Hilton, etc: a person with very little apparent talent getting heavily covered for inexplicable reasons. Irritation leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

Last minute change to my Christmas gift list: a can of chrome spray paint.

Yes, the opposite of Zionism is killing all Jews. Thanks for advancing the discourse.

Shrug 3: The Shruggening

The Kingdom Of Dreams And Madness is pornographically interesting

I fully agree with that. The fact that many/most pro-choicers aren't exactly jumping with joy when abortions happen is something that means that a little humility is in order when talking with anti-abortionists, IMO. But it also provides an opening for real dialog where people on both sides can agree to work on proven

"The court held that bodily (what they called "privacy") rights and personhood rights competed as the fetus grew toward viability and that the balance shifted at the moment of viability."

Calling someone lazy is a negative judgement. Saying that women work fewer hours on average is simply a fact. That you can't distinguish the two says a lot about you, primarily that you have a very strong need to judge other people negatively, which makes you an extremely unpleasant person to talk to. You also reveal

I disagree that they are peripheral. Men being pressured to sacrifice work/life balance and work happiness for higher pay is really a considerable part of the wage gap issue that gets so much traction in the media now. Yet that part of the issue is pretty much ignored in favor of silly equal pay laws and such, which

I actually googled while responding to you and I didn't find any hard evidence either way. I found this the most convincing story:

Exactly, I prefer that there be as few abortions, dying mothers, child abuse, extreme poverty, etc as possible and the statistics show that the best way to achieve these goals is good sexual education, availability of birth control for minors without parental consent, free agency for women to make sexual choices and

But the bodily rights argument is only secondary to the personhood argument. If the lawmakers saw the young fetus as a person, then they would surely judge an abortion as murder and most of them would consider the infringement on bodily rights less severe than the infringement on the unborn person.