
Lacking color : 2.5/5

I don't think that it is necessary to be radical or have respectable opinions to be an intellectual. That seems a rather self-serving way to dismiss everyone who doesn't share your opinions.

"wealthy (white) donors"

"origin of blackface was brutally racist because it viciously characterized black people"

But aren't they excluding 'black' movies too? If you cherry pick you can prove anything. I could easily 'prove' that there is a problem with the lack of white people by making little movies about the few white characters in Tyler Perry films and other 'black' movies.

Both actually. During a three week race riders lose performance over time. Blood doping can prevent that. Some also use painkillers during the race.

No clue. I do know that it can't be Hitler though, since he started off in Poland.

I didn't talk about 'tradition', so I don't really understand why you are responding to my post with a non sequitur. But, I'll humor you:

Sure. I'm just saying you are deluding yourself if you watch tennis or another sport that covers up doping cases and pretend that your favorite player is above suspicion.

I think that is just a fancy way to say the same thing.

During the climbs you get attacks, riders falling back, iconic images of suffering riders, etc. Of course the broadcast will focus on that. If you want attention, the logical spot to build an attention-grabber is during the flat parts of the race where the director is craving for anything to break the monotony.

The problem with that attitude is that pretty much all big sports have a doping problem. So if you are serious about that, you should also stop watching basketball, tennis, baseball, golf, football, etc.

He has a couple of topics that he really cares about and will argue hard. He also has some friends that he likes to give a good ribbing. But most interviews aren't like this and he just gives people the opportunity to sell their wares.


"you don't get to decide what's racist just because it concerns you"

He didn't say that Jews should burn in hell though. That is you jumping to conclusions again.

Imagine how this episode would be perceived if the genders were reversed. It would be attacked for extreme misogyny. It's practically an MRA propaganda episode now:
Louie gets attacked by a woman no longer restrained by her gender, but he can't defend himself since the restraints on male behavior are still there. His

The statement only indicates that he dislikes Israel very much. That may be because he dislikes Jews, it may be because he dislikes Zionism or it can very well be a dislike of how Israel treats Palestinians.

False accusations of antisemitism by people who don't understand the difference between Israel and Jews? Get out of here!
