
That is a valid thing to try as well, although I am afraid that feminism as a movement simply cannot rise above the advocacy that was valid during the time when there were many clearly discriminatory laws to combat. This advocacy no longer works in a society where men and women make choices with the best intent that

Funny how you blame me for not understanding that by 'all the power' you were referring to 23% more spending power. That is hardly a logical way to parse your words.

I don't care about who has it worse. That is your hangup and I never brought it up. What I care about is about eliminating bias. Not wanting to address bad things that happens to men because women have it worse is typical WRA reasoning. If you want equality, you have to be willing to address all inequality.

Doesn't everyone's opinion deserve equal consideration? How is dismissing the experiences of white heterosexual men any less bigoted than ignoring the experiences of black lesbians?

I probably missed some critical gender theory or whatever. The problem with this male-dominated discourse stuff is that it reinforces the notion that men are oppressors, their concerns are unimportant, we stop talking about male issues already, etc. That may not be the way it is used in academia (although I see a huge

That is the classic way to dismiss calls for true equality. It's also quite sexist to assume I have 'all the power' just because I am a man. It's classic bigotry, reduce someone to 1 element they were born with and then draw huge conclusions based on that:
- You are a white boy, then there are no limits (even for a

That is the kind of bias that I am talking about. Traditional gender roles also limit men greatly. They could not choose to become housewives, to pursue unmanly hobbies, had to work dangerous jobs to provide for their family, were forced to give up their lives in wars, were specifically targeted if they were gay

But that is just an absurd rationalization. If you really believed that, you'd be in favor of allowing abortions in the 8th month, which I doubt you are. By the same logic a parent can just dump their child if they get sick of the burden of caring for that child.

I never said that I reject the theory of feminism (although there is no single theory IMO), but rather the label. You can have an extensive discussion about the difference between the label/image and the real ideology, but for mainstream society, the meaning of the label is what the movement stands for.

These studies generally simply factor in available data about hard* facts like hours worked and are subject to the limitations of what is available. This data has to be reported by businesses to the government, so it is pretty easy to get large quantities of this data in the same format. Performance is highly

That is actually a good example of how the claim that feminism means equality seems to be more of a mantra than something that people actually believe in.

No, men and women make different choices because of these different societal expectations/pressures. Since men are more valued for their work achievements/income, it is logical for them to make bigger sacrifices at work to get these achievements/higher income.

The issue is that the large majority of the 'public face' of the movement is like that, IMO. As a result, if I call myself a feminist, all kinds of assumptions get made about me that are false. What is the use of a label that requires a ton of addendums? I'd rather just say that I'm for equal opportunity for women AND

I don't want to be called feminist because mainstream feminism is WRA (mostly due to unconscious bias and group think). An example is how the wage gap is reduced to a narrative about women being discriminated against, when reality is that societal pressure on men to be providers plays a huge role and results in men

Which is of course a lie, since why would there only be street noise when white men harass? Either the makers went to black neighborhoods or this is a thing that local black people do more often. In any case, they should stop lying and be honest about it.

The A.V. Club

I like my women like I like my beer: frigid.

The most awesome riff on American westerns is Lemonade Joe, a Czech movie about a Kolaloka drinking gunman taking on whiskey drinking baddies.

1 journey per episode. That seems rather obvious to me.

They were presented as clips, but it was new footage from several stories that supposedly happened in the past, but that are new to the viewer. It seems like the creator filmed the best part from rejected ideas that were intriguing but couldn't sustain an episode. Very clever and fun. Completely different from a full