
Molten fluorides are chemically stable actually. They don't burn, explode or react with water. The big safety advantage of LFTR vs classic reactors is that there no need for active cooling, because liquid fuels can be drained automatically in a way that stops the reaction (by using a cooled salt plug that will melt

But…did he actually do that then?


The most memorable was the beginning of a porn movie in sex ed class. I forgot what the point was. It was very disappointing really, just a bit of fellatio until even the teacher got embarrassed too much (I saw better sex scenes on Dutch children's TV).

Roid rage + extreme muscles + being succesful with a very high body fat % + speaking out against more doping controls + hiding in a panic room to avoid an out of competition doping test = steroid abuse. That is the real story behind Serena.

Heineken is a premium beer everywhere but in The Netherlands.

They sell the butterfat to creameries.

Thank God someone took those down.

The trick is to carry them in your mouth. Just don't bite down to hard. Learned that the hard way.

Sounds like a great date movie…


Lucas may have had a bigger impact, but the sequels have made it clear that some of the best decisions made in the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies were made by others. With much better CGI and blue screens, Lucas can now really make movies that fit his vision. Unfortunately, his vision sucks.

Stop, hamertijd!!