Tim Stalin in Accounting

The third MYOF entry in a row to centre around the sleazy creative endeavours of a sleazy Israeli sleaze merchant - and a different one each time, no less. Talk about finding a niche.

Awesome List
It's a shame you couldn't expand it to include written fiction as well, though - then you could've had the baby from Judith Merril's 'That Only a Mother', which definitely creeped me the fuck out, or to stretch the definition of "baby" a little, the kid from Jerome Bixby's 'It's a Good Life' (which I

The first Alien film was called Alien. The second Alien film was called Aliens. Does that mean the prequel will be called Alie?

Yeah, but Dexter only kills other serial killers, so the first half of the movie would have to be about Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte fashioning Prada accessories out of human skin, or something, to set it up…

Pedant Alert
The Governor of Alabama is Bob Riley, not Kevin Reilly. Kevin Reilly is a Louisiana State Rep., and another, different Kevin Reilly is the entertainment president of Fox.

Minister for Overseas DEVELOPMENT, I think you'll find. Hand in your badge and gun, please.

Analogy Stretching Time
I've always thought of Meaning of Life as the Pythons' White Album. None of them really wanted to do it any more, they couldn't stand the sight of eachother and the end was clearly nigh - but there was still so much raw talent in the room that they couldn't help but make something that's still

If this is greenlit before May 23rd, it's going to make the end of Lost a whole lot easier to swallow :D

This is…
…the fifth "Great job, Internet!" post in a row - time to spin it off into a seperate feature?

No, only an utter loser would do that :P

Dear Bald Kid.
Yeah, sorry. What can I say? I just really fucking hate firsties.

well, fuck me with a stuffed heron
Re: "Ironic Porn Purchase Leads To Unironic Ejaculation" - I just Googled Terrors From The Clit (because, umm, yeah…) and my mind was blown to discover it's actually a real porno. Ever since I read that story, I'd always assumed they made up a ridiculous title and got some luckless

I've been waiting for this one
There are two Onion pieces that always remind me of Nabin, and neither of them are the ones he just mentioned:

wait a minute…
"…a beyond-bleak character study about an impoverished, alcoholic Native American ex-convict (Depp) who agrees to be tortured and killed on film in exchange for $15,000, to be given to his family following his death. The story sprang from an unlikely source: a 1991 novel by Gregory McDonald, best known

let's see
Making use of the word "galoot" = +100

@Professor Provolone

"a culture where exposure matters more than accomplishment"

6. Reference to "The Simpsons"
7. Reference to "the ol' Hong Kong Handshake"

Great stuff, but…
…have you recently made some sort of Satanic pact to work the phrase "the old Hong Kong handshake" into every single article you write? That's not a complaint, by the way :P

Great stuff, but…
…have you recently made some sort of Satanic pact to work the phrase "the old Hong Kong handshake" into every single article you write? That's not a complaint, by the way :P