Tim Stalin in Accounting

Did anyone else notice…
…the Planned Parenthood sign briefly visible in the background in the first clip (at 1:06, about 5 seconds from the end)? Subliminal pro-life propaganda, perhaps :P

Did anyone else notice…
…the Planned Parenthood sign briefly visible in the background in the first clip (at 1:06, about 5 seconds from the end)? Subliminal pro-life propaganda, perhaps :P

Do any other readers on here…
…see Mike D'Angelo's byline and immediately get a Proustian flashback to the old British kids' show Mike and Angelo, on CITV in the early 90s?

If they cremate him…
…then Chesnutt's roasting on an open fire. How seasonal.

My personal favourite has to be Glissando Bin Ladin and his Musichideen, closely followed by Truthmaze and Carnal Befoulment.

Fuck you,
douplefuckposting cuntcomment twatthread.

Fuck you,
douplefuckposting cuntcomment twatthread.

Let us take a horrified pause as we solemnly contemplate the phrase:
"poor man's Verne Troyer"

Let us take a horrified pause as we solemnly contemplate the phrase:
"poor man's Verne Troyer"

BE ASHAMED, Hollywood
"The escalating violence, tragic loss of human life and threat of all-out war was overshadowed today by the announcement of the Oscar nominations."

BE ASHAMED, Hollywood
"The escalating violence, tragic loss of human life and threat of all-out war was overshadowed today by the announcement of the Oscar nominations."

a suggestion
Nabin - I have the perfect My Several Years of Flops entry. It's an Australian film called Holy Smoke!. I remember reading an extremely negative review of it at the time it came out (1999), then never hearing of it ever again. I think a film starring Harvey Keitel and post-Titanic Kate Winslet would have

Just for once
I'd like to see a TV show or movie about a maverick cop who plays by his own rules, and never gets results, his unprofessional conduct leading swiftly to a permanent desk job.

In what sense did Wesley originate in Angel?

Oh, and another thing


No spoilers as such, but…
I should warn you, Noel, that following on immediately from the genius of season 3, you are going to be gritting your teeth through large parts of S4. Generally acknowledged by fans as a low point, this is about as close as the show came to jumping the shark, with a central storyline that was