
Abby's abuse was made known early in the show. Remember, Liv "saved" all of her gladiators and she saved Abby from an abusive husband. In I think episode 3, Abby had a falling out with Liv over the handling of a domestic abuse case involving a foreign diplomat. Abby was adamant in protecting the woman and children

Because Mellie encouraged Olivia and Fitz affair. Remember in season one, Mellie accused Olivia of dropping the ball (leaving Fitz) which led to Amanda Tanner? Mellie had no problems with Fitz and Olivia sleeping together. Another example is when Mellie invited Olivia to the state dinner because Fitz needed to see

I don't believe that Fitz and Olivia are toxic. The writers threw in many plot devices and diversions because they felt the show would end if they put them together. Season 5 should have happened in Season 3 - after Fitz ran down the clock on his marriage. Season 4 made absolutely no sense. Olivia tells Fitz that

If Fitz is that bad, why the hell did Mellie stay with him for 16 years?

Mellie is married to Fitz by choice. Fitz tried to divorce Mellie in Season 2 and her response was to induce labor. Why don't Mellie leave Fitz? Why is she clinging to a person who not only does not love her but prior to Olivia Pope entering their lives, they were barely speaking.

All of what you said just started happening in season 2b and all of season 3. At the beginning, Liv was very powerful. She "fixed" things independently from the white house. As a matter of fact, at one time she was at odds with the white house (Cyrus in particular) over the Amanda Tanner situation. She was also at

Scandalfan I agree. i thought that scene was soooooo sexy!! lol. Did you see Liv start to undress? Those two weren't even in the same room and their chemistry was off the charts.

Also Cheyenne I must add. I am new to this board and I try my best to be respectful to everyone in my responses. I enjoyed so much reading the comments from you and others that I decided to join this board. I will admit that even though I have seen every episode of Scandal, every scene is not embedded in my brain

Yeah, but they never threatened to kill her.

I've watched every episode. Read my comment (I said sarcasm). Maybe I used the wrong words so I'll rephrase - why is she sleeping with him? Why is she saying he is her boyfriend. Why is she so hell bent on saving him.

Question. I agree that discussing sexual prowess with a woman to her father is never acceptable (Fitz), but isn't it equally abhorrent that a woman's boyfriend (Jake) actually wants to kill is woman's father?

It made a lot of sense and I totally agree.

Just curious. Did you find Jake telling Olivia that she likes to ride him and he touches her in places that Fitz can't? For some reason, when Jake said that to Olivia I wanted to punch him in his face (and so did my son). In my opinion, It wasn't said in a loving and sexy dirty talk type of way but in a mean way

But the problem is that when the divorce comes, no one is going to care.

I never really understood why Mellie did that. I liked the character of Mellie when she was a scheming, conniving modern day version of Cersei Lannister. At one time, Mellie accepted the fact that she was in a "political marriage" and was more upset wit Fitz for not giving her a seat at the table and treating her

Wait a minute! I thought when he said "his greatest treasure" he was talking about Olivia. Wow, I never knew he was talking about B613. Rowan needs a damn backstory because the things he does are evil but I don't see (or can comprehend) his reasoning for doing them. I mean killing someone's kid because you don't

Actually I'm not. I never saw an episode of Felicity and I'm not moved when Jake Ballard takes off his shirt. I didn't know who Scott Foley was until Scandal, and I was also upset that they spent so much time on him instead of giving Harrison his promised back story.
I actually watched the show from the first

So basically, Jake threatened to kill Olivia and instead of being repulsed, disgusted and afraid that a trained killer threatened her life, she ended up falling in love with him - wow what a way to write a show (sarcasm)

How? Would you have felt better if Mellie killed her? If Verna testified, then Mellie, Olivia, Holis and Cyrus were going to jail. Fitz, at most, would have had to resign as President (something I don't think he really wanted to do anyway) but he would not have went to jail because he was not part of defiance.

I agree. For those who love the characters of Mellie and Jake, even the critics agree that season 3 was the worse.