
Not really. Before Jake being Olivia's love interest, Mellie's character was the third wheel in the love triangle. Bellamy Young mentioned in an interview on Wendy Williams that she was only suppose to appear in about 4 episodes of Scandal because they were going to write a presidential divorce. Since the writers

But if Fitz had not have killed Verna the show would be over. Mellie, Cyrus, Holis and Olivia would have went to jail for election rigging and Fitz would not be President.

Me too!!!!! During the 1st season i and part of season 2 I was actually rooting for this relationship. I think the writers are scared to break them up permanently. If anything, I would now like for Fitz and Olivia to break up just so i can see where the writers take the characters. If the show is about Olivia Pope,

I thought they were setting up a Fitz and Papa Pope Showdown

Actually, Jake wasn't giving Olivia the cold shoulder. Jake moved out because he realized that he was nothing but a booty call. When he challenged Olivia with this she pretty much confirmed it. He told her that she comes to him for sex but she is in love with another man and she did not correct him. Even when he