
Can we get back to the real subject here? I mean LOOK AT THOSE MELONS! Who cares about Batman Begins..cool movie. BUT LOOK AT HATHAWAY UP THERE! That chick is smokin' hot.

Obviously, they will have to remove the fisting scene from the movie to get a PG rating.

It would be cool to see her solving crime in the ghetto while speaking Jive!

That Mohawk
Did they raise Sid Vicious from the dead to play the part of the Goblin? If so, how did he get all bulked up while being in a coffin all these years?

Watched episodes 8, 9, and 10 from S2 Breaking Bad. Looking forward to catching up on S3. A most wonderful TV series, yo!

Even God likes to perform the occasional fisting! And that dude is like the WORST ventrilloquist ever…he makes no attempt to hide his mouth movements.

Another picture of a Hollywood actress with REALLY BIG CHOPPERS. Im seeing a very disturbing trend developing here, O'Neal! One could really stuff something huge in Julia's facial orifice.

Pantera really did pick up the slack when Metallica sold out. In hindsight, it would be funny to hear Phil Anselmo do a Linkin Park style rap to something like say…"Domination" or "Primal Concrete Sledge".

The set of choppers on this girl is impressive!

I hope the bottle you smashed was VINEGAR, Killbot! Talk about a killer move!

Yes, they were. But Heavy Metal Dude 2 suddenly realized he was in a fight, and that he was gonna get his ass kicked by a short haired blonde Heavy Metal Dude…and no one really wants that to happen to them. Hence the beer bottle as a way of escape, and the enevitable "WOOOOO!" before he smashes it and plunges it

Id always use "BoooooYahhhh!" as a battlecry before smashing a bottle…and then Id ride my motorcycle through my place of work.
I think that WOOOOO was really an homage to a then 22 year old John Woo who was making all kinds of crazy kung-fu movies at the time. Yes…Hong Kong Kung Fu pictures really influenced the 80's

Fuck yes…that was the style. The mid to late 80's and wicked ass mullets. If you didnt have one, you were a nerd or a waver and you sucked. This kind of "heavy metal" environment is where I spent alot of time as a kid, and really dont regret any of it…exept now, when younger chicks laugh when I tell them I had a

Yes, one greater moment would be to film the "uneducated" and "unemployed" Slash beat Ryan Murphy's skull in with his Stratocaster.
Somewhat related note…Yngwie Malmsteen is on Fallon tonight and can still kinda shred.

eh…young or old it all tastes like chicken…..DELICIOUS FLAVA FLAV CHICKEN!!!!

He was also the personal trainer AND arch enemy of Balboa in a few Hollywood pictures.

"I can't believe its nut butter!"

…a long way to the top, if ya wanna rock n' roll.

Wanna see some Burt Young BADNESS?
The barfight scene in Back To School…you dont fuck with someone who can crush a napkin despenser with one hand.

Lynda Carter back in the day was FunFuckinTabulous! That ass was something special. Tell me Im wrong. If you do…..You're GAY.