
It speaks for itself…an end of an era.
The White Stripes are dead! LONG LIVE THE WHITE STRIPES!

Anyone who hasnt had the experience of seeing the Stripes live should check out the DVD "The White Stripes Under Blackpool Lights". Hard to imagine a 2 person band could crank out the raw energy of most of their peers at the time…again,WITH ONLY 2 PEOPLE. Jack White will go down as a rock guitar God, and rightfully

See my comment right above your post Flaubert. Their recorded stuff is really kinda strange sounding….but live and in your face they really do rock. Jack White is playing drums in Dead Weather and can slap the skins pretty good. Ive seen the Stripes live twice, DW once and the Raconteurs once. Jack knew he was the

Im not a huge fan of Dead Weather's recorded stuff…its really cheap sounding and fuzzy. But…see them live sometime. I dont care what band Jack is in..he is one of the most electrifying musicians on planet Earth when on a stage. And he plays the FUCK outta the drums in The Dead Weather. They were here in Denver about a

Take a gander at the ultimate METAL LOOK that the bass player displays in this video! Even though the band is uncredited, might it be our heros Knight Crawler filming an epic metal video? You be the judge!

Being that he IS Jimmy BUFFET, shouldnt he have worn a sneezeguard before falling into the pit to protect against snot related desease? Also, I really hate buffet lasagne.

Is MTV willing to commit to the high standards NBC is beating them to the punch on? WILL THERE BE FISTING? We have a right to know!

Im willing to bet that the white sheen around his mouth was caused from licking a different kind of cone!

If only TV execs in the 60's and 70's had known this title formula. Just imagine!

The Walking Bitches

My fondest memories of childhood reading were the stories told in Penthouse Forum…(leans back in chair and reflects)…Id have 3 hrs of time after school to get the magazine from Dad's stash in the closet and learn about how Sue had unknowingly used Dan's spunk as toothpaste (while he watched). Important life lessons


@ UtzTheCrabChip

SJParker and Dee Snider….the mutant twin offspring of Mr. Ed

And they are the proud owners of some of the most fucked up awful gatefold artwork ever…the 1971 "classic" Tarkus…the one with that armidillo/tank mutant on the cover. They actually said "Yes…that artwork really represents what we are doing with our music."

Matt Lauer is really good at what he does…If he wants to grill you he will, and with that hokey Morning Talk Show Host smile the whole time. Just image if Brian Williams AND Matt Lauer were there to fuck you up on national TV. One serious and probing..the other lighthearted and laughing and probing..Its an alien