The Quirky Best Friend

A powerful mayor and manipulative dirty tricks in Chicago politics? Sounds implausible.

After the words "honor" and "Rob Schneider" show up in one headline, what isn't possible?

I noticed that last week, there was a "so, if we're not married, we're going to get married at 40" reference. Not that it's a real hint in any direction, but to me, it felt like reinforcement that Robin is the most important female in Ted's life. Ted is relying on Robin too much, and that might be the cause of trouble


Netflix streaming + HBO = finally.

Problem for me is that there's no center I can grab onto with this show — the tension between the two leads and their will they-won't they relationship isn't really holding down the show. The work environment/being set in Portland hasn't really given a lot of distinction. It's not quite dark-dirty enough to be edgy

I thought they might go for the "take off the picture of your baby as your profile pic!" But Arnett liking "soup" and "Crystal Light" wasn't bad at all.

Agreed. Arnett and Applegate made me laugh tonight. All the scenes with Maya Rudolph sort of killed the flow, though.

I switched from multiple DVDs to 1 DVD, plus streaming. But I'm still considering cutting out DVDs altogether. So yeah, that doesn't bode well for Netflix if everyone made a similar switch.

It's pronounced Frahnken-STEIN's monster.

Did everyone catch that the mirrors have a deeper significance? I think it's because they're twins.

Seriously. SMG's not the greatest actress, but can anyone imagine Dushku giving a performance like SMG's in The Body?

Unfortunately, this first hour was unbearably quip free.

I really enjoyed the interview, and think Bernhard's still an interesting person (especially her declaration that she's a "sophisticated" and "glamorous" comic more than once). What was weird was that Maron seemed to come into the interview with a whole bunch of pre-conceived notions and worked really hard to try and

Whitney. Its desperation is almost palpable in the latest set of commercials.

It was especially ironic after they spent some time upfront talking about "are we good?" to end the last minutes of the show on such an awkward note. Still, both handled the moment pretty well.

Just finished listening to Doug Stanhope on WTF and I gotta say, there's something about him talking that I can't stand. I guess I can respect his particular brand of comedy, but I just don't like it much.

I really, really want to be a Toph in the "Who's Your Avatar" personality quiz that probably exists somewhere.

I read a few of these, but never became a real fan. I did start a slam book in junior high once, an idea I got from one of the volumes, but shortly after, got called into the principal's office. He put the kibosh on it because it "just made people feel badly about themselves."

I'm coming down firmly on best ever. Don't argue, I'm clearly right.