
The first two Circa Survive records are so good. I never understood if it was just hipster territoriality that prevented those records from getting recognition with indie rock people or what, because musically they were in line with some of what was going on at that time with Pitchfork darlings, and better than a lot

If that were the case, I'd be worried that playing Leo Bloom causes memory disorders.

Off! are pretty terrible, too.

I can think of one place he went that is considered one of the better Mexican places in that entire broader region (I lived in a nearby city) but in general… yeah.

Butyric acid, man. Butyric acid.

He was on … some public radio show… last week and I was really surprised by how interesting and likable he was.

Isn't the Coast Guard the fifth branch of the military?

Damn, beat me to it.

Melody is at issue at least two of those three, though, which is definitely protected by composition copyright, whether or not we might think that should be the case. The Blurred Lines one is maybe an exception, I forget the details exactly, but that's still under appeal anyway.

I'm not a lawyer or a copyright expert, but a good friend actually logged music copyrights for the US Copyright Office, and I feel like this is not how music copyrights work? There's a composition copyright, which mostly protects melodies and lyrics, and a recording copyright, which is generally what is at issue in

Yeah, the keys to it seemed to be, based on experiences I and/or others may or may not have had earlier in life: 1) make sure what you are taking is actually what it's purported to be (they make kits for that!); 2) don't take too much; and 3) set and setting. Following the rules, it's mostly euphoria, sensory

Anybody have any thoughts on why I can't upvote all of a sudden?

Bill & Ted's [That's good!]
…Bogus Journey [That's bad!]

Rearviewmirror, Black, and then after that there are so many good choices. Let's go with Garden.

This seems to be at least half of Trump's appeal. It's not that you think he'd be a good president, but boy, it'd sure show those damn liberals.

I just moved to New England, and it seems like pretty much everyone actually talks like this, except less shouty/sweary.

Pedro the Lion were an amazing band who were at most ambiguously Christian beginning with Winners Never Quit, but who were always stuck with that label and the attendant baggage. Control is a top-ten all-time record for me.

There's a great book called An Unnatural Metropolis that I mentioned elsewhere recently, if you are genuinely curious.


Pretty sure the Prophets of Rage tour is actually called Make America Rage Again. Sigh.