
Depends on what you like. I, for one, loved going deer hunting in the swamps.

Well, block them. Or unlike the page.

Is it anything like This Is England 88?

"You want an A?" *cut to Asian guy nodding* "Live… in… the moment."



Saw it in 24fps 3-D. The 3-D added absolutely nothing.
I thought the Wargs looked really bad, did they remind anyone else of The Storyteller?
And the big prosthetic eagle claws were very clearly made of rubber, weren't they?

Saw it in 24fps 3-D. The 3-D added absolutely nothing.
I thought the Wargs looked really bad, did they remind anyone else of The Storyteller?
And the big prosthetic eagle claws were very clearly made of rubber, weren't they?

West of Memphis comes out Dec 25? You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure it was on TV a couple weeks ago. (In Europe, no less)

West of Memphis comes out Dec 25? You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure it was on TV a couple weeks ago. (In Europe, no less)

Does Grolsch come in gallon bottles now? Do want.

Does Grolsch come in gallon bottles now? Do want.

Was it you?

Are you for real?

"I crapped my pants" will never not slay me.

Misfits is brilliant! Thanks, pusher person who recommended it.

Some people are just too close-minded to accept an interracial marriage.

Some people are just too close-minded to accept an interracial marriage.

Ron Fucking Gilmartin?

Ron Fucking Gilmartin?