
I'm not sure this fits here, AV Club. Maybe your parent organization, Onion Inc, could start a news website instead?

Email the production company?

Luther seems an inappropriate name for an Irish Catholic.

Happy b-day Davey!!Your love for Brie is as strong as ever, I take it?

Loki! Not surprised to see that avatar, ya white devil. Why are links so difficult to see now? They should make them blue or something.

I know! I fucking hated season 4 so I didn't bother commenting, but 5x02 gave me life, even if the Bandit episode didn't live up. I'm in the tinychat more often than here though.


Hi Lloyd. Did you like this episode? I'm not about to dig through… hey, not even 2,300 comments. We've lost our touch.

Well, this certainly wasn't a B+, but it got me weirdly, deeply into the Dave Matthews Band specific brand of mid-90s corniness. So it's got that going for it, which is nice.

Giving House of Cards a try - fantastic so far!

Are you saying you just… saved up several hundreds (?) of thousands of pounds?

Looking a little hungover there, Sean.

She should have punched him in the nose.

It is. You didn't.

Only Peters actually kind of resembles the guy, though (not complaining about Elba)

And it still went on for too long.

I both hate them for shamelessly stealing from Marvin Gaye, and love them for making that video. It's a draw.

Will he have a twin brother named Donald? Oh wait, that should be Charlie

I'm mostly just surprised this name hadn't been taken as of 6 June 2013.

Sean, you're way late with this.