
Salt 2: The Search for More Money

Yeah, I was going to say…

Also, why can't Senator Marlene Knockers' Twitter account get "hacked"?

A little further south and we may have come closely to accidentally bombing Iraq (again).

Man, AVC is really taking a beating for that Dawes thing.

Terrible theme song
I can think of no television with a greater disparity between how good the show was and how awful the theme music was.

I would disagree. The high "note" that Tonje "hits" during the last chorus has that same quality as some of the high notes in "Friday," where it doesn't really sound like a human being singing anymore. Kind of like "Still Alive" from Portal, except that song is actually supposed to sound like it's sung by a

In it's own way…
… this might actually be as bad as "Friday." Both sound as if someone said to the people involved, "You have 45 minutes to write and record a song AND shoot a video for it or I'll murder your family."

I wonder if a single headline has ever by itself led to more spontaneous masturbation than this one…

If you had to…
… which would you pick?

There is no way that the Run-DMC version of "Walk This Way" is better than the original. For what it is, the original WTW is a great song; and both Steve Tyler's vocals and Joe Perry's guitar are infinitely better on the original than on the Run-DMC version.

More equals better! More money! More entertainment! When's the video game adaptation coming out?! If there's something good, we should make more more more of it!

"The soggy delta of destiny" is what I call my girlfriend's vagina.

Actually, Jacobsen's source who talks about the genetically/surgically modified Russian pilot thing didn't mention anything about the Mengele/Stalin connection; she got that speculation from another source(s)… I did find the speculation about Mengele kind of flimsy. Basically, the idea was that Mengele wasn't seen

Bon Iver on "House"
His song "Re: Stacks" towards the end of the episode where Amber dies. Holy shit. Perfect combination. Unfortunately, this episode goes a little overboard with the music, as there's another sad- and somewhat similar- Iron & Wine song used shortly after the Bon Iver song.

I think they should give it to Craig Robinson/Darryl. He's a funny actor, and his character is smart and funny and has worked his way up quite a bit already . But maybe he would actually be too competent of a boss…

Yeah, this gets into the whole "either all of it's okay, or none of it is" thing. It might be one thing if LVT were actually saying something hateful, racist, etc (where "freedom of expression" really does hit some understandable limits). But it seems abundantly clear that this was just a case of verbal diarrhea- and

In mentioning The Strokes, I was just trying to think of some band from the last twenty years that could even approach the old-fashioned combo of being massively popular and genuinely volatile/exciting/scary. I agree that The Strokes aren't really scary, but then again, we're talking about rock star scary- would you

Just listened to "It's So Easy" for the first time in a while. God damn, that's a good song. That line "turn around bitch i got a use for you," etc.- that's a good example of what I was talking about, and of what makes them different from the big "nu-metal" groups of the 90s. Axl Rose was like Eminem, in that they

Last of a Breed
GNR were the last hugely popular rock and roll band that seemed genuinely "dangerous." It's hard to imagine either of those things now- a rock band that is pretty much universally popular (i.e. played on the radio, played on MTV, cultural icons), or a rock band that seems that seems genuinely volatile