
Should I set up a Facebook account?
I've resisted thus far for obvious reasons (the subject of this article being a good example). But I have a friend who lives in Spain, along with some other people, who I never see but would like to keep in better contact with. So I've recently been reconsidering my Facebook holdout.

Proof there's no God #37:
the phrase "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants franchise"

Unfortunately <br>This does look kind of shitty. But, for the record, Anne Hathaway was genuinely amazing in Rachel Getting Married. I'm not understanding some of the Hathaway Haterade going on here…

This does look kind of shitty. But, for the record, Anne Hathaway was genuinely amazing in Rachel Getting Married. I'm not understanding some of the Hathaway Haterade going on here…

Subliminal advertising?
Sounds like quite a mindcrime operation to me.

I feel bad…
… for people who have to review these rote summer turds. There's no way this movie is going to be good, but it's probably not going to be remarkably bad either. The thought of having to sit through this kind of slick, mediocre crap is depressing to me.

I feel a bit torn on this…
As I've gotten older, I've become less likely to just blanket-criticize people, partly because of what things like Dane Cook's appearances on WTF and Louie illustrate- it's harder to just eviscerate someone when you realize that they're an actual person.

… for my user name, it was between this and "USArmy." I thought "Crindy" read better.

Re: Poehler and Scott
Did you see the "Soulmates" episode, where Amy Poehler kisses Aziz Ansari? That was actually kind of hot- and, to me, it revealed that, while Leslie Knope is kind of a goofball, she's also very self-assured and not actually asexual.

Just read A Canticle for Leibowitz
… at the recommendation of another AV Club article, actually. It touches on some of the same themes as" 2001"- is technological progress good for humanity, etc.- and, incidentally, it also makes a few fairly large leaps in time (though not "2001"-size leaps). That was pretty much my

Stupid, insensitive thing to say, but…
this is not remotely on the same level as, for example, Sharon Stone saying that an earthquake in China a few years ago was karmic punishment for the Chinese government's actions in Tibet. That was utter retardation; Morrissey at least has some semblance of a point.

I think this is analogous to eating at a restaurant. You should be able to get your money back if the restaurant itself actually fucked up somehow. But asking for a refund for a movie because you didn't like it is like asking for a refund at a restaurant because you realized during your mail that you

Theater attendant:
"Welcome to the local cineplex. I love you… Welcome to the local cineplex. I love you… Welcome to the local cineplex. I love you… Welcome to the local cineplex. I love you…"

Two of my favorite Buster lines
In the same review:

I thought…
that "Southern-fried" had been officially retired from the pantheon of rock criticism adjectives. Someone tell Gilmer.

Or, instead…
You could pay to see one movie and then stay for another one as well. I've only been able to do the three-for-one once, on a Saturday when I was so hungover that sitting and watching movies for 8 straight hours didn't seem like a bad idea: The Golden Compass, No Country For Old Men, and Enchanted.

The Office (UK) vs. Arrested Development
One question I've never been able to answer, and it seems appropriate given the new AD writeup today as well.

@Perturbed- i LOVE that Buster line. In my book, second only to what he says he when he sees Marta for the first time: "Oh my God- I've been dating an old lady."

I don't know, I've always been partial to "Afternoon Delight," if only for the escalating bits about how expensive GOB's suits are. Maybe the best GOB episode overall.

Under "weaknesses," you've put eczema.