
Cartman's reaction…
… to Family Guy in these episodes made me feel pretty validated. His eye roll and "eehh" sound in the clip above, his annoyance over people telling him that he would love FG because it's his kind of humor: I felt that way for a long time before I saw this episode.

Yup, and it'll be the best 52 minutes you spend next summer.

If Justin Bieber is the white Tupac…
… then who is the white Biggie? I nominate Ke$ha, just on the off chance that both of them will then be shot and killed.

This is clearly intended for children. Why is it on here? God, I fucking hate indiscriminate, all-encompassing nostalgia. Not everything from childhood is worth revisiting as an adult.

We here at the AV Club message boards are far too classy to resort to salacious discussions of actors' body parts.

I heard
that they're already working on a porn parody of this, but they're having trouble coming up with a name for it. Suggestions?

Also, no one cares what any of us thinks about anything.

Yeah, that kind of disappointed me too.Though I guess it makes sense that Nick Offerman is not quite as funny on his own as the Parks & Rec writers…

"One hilarious novel"?
Yeah, I kind of think whoever wrote the intro to this article didn't actually read Downtown Owl. Whatever you think of it, it wasn't even intended to be that funny, I don't think.

I can't say that I've seen everything Amy Poehler has done, but I've seen a lot of it- SNL, Arrested Development, Baby Mama, etc. Is it just me or does it seem like this is the first thing where Poehler has really found "her thing"? Like, with Baba Mama, you could tell that it was basically two friends making a movie

Just watched it again- she keeps her eyes closed for an extra beat afterwards; she just has kind of a sexy look on her face, almost bitchy, before she says "You should be so lucky." It actually seems kind of out character for Lesley, but I suppose I don't really care.

Yes! I was hoping I wasn't the only one who thought so. Something about the way she looks at him right afterwards. Overall, there really was something extra-attractive about Amy Poehler in this episode.

She's kind of crept up on me…
… but Paz Vega seriously might be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

Yeah, this would definitely go into the "Proof There's No God" column. Isn't it bad enough that Spiderman is already being "rebooted"?

Don't get it
I haven't heard this album yet, but I've been meaning to ask Mountain Goats fans for a while now- what am I missing? I listened to their/his last album in full, and it did nothing for me. Here are my thoughts on what I've heard from Mountain Goats in general: