
I've gone ahead and pre-flagged everyone in or who will be in this thread.

I've gone ahead and pre-flagged everyone in or who will be in this thread.

I've always thought Burton's visual take on Gotham City, the Batmobile and everything was far better than Nolan's. But he also doesn't get or care about the character of Batman/Bruce Wayne, and it's never more apparent than in Returns, where he spends the whole movie focusing on Penguin and Catwoman as Edward

I've always thought Burton's visual take on Gotham City, the Batmobile and everything was far better than Nolan's. But he also doesn't get or care about the character of Batman/Bruce Wayne, and it's never more apparent than in Returns, where he spends the whole movie focusing on Penguin and Catwoman as Edward

I would rather John Carpenter have directed it. Then it would be John Carpenter's John Carter.

Young Chris Cooper.

That'd be like if that lady and that Russian Guy from Ebert's new show both liked a movie and the papers said "Two Thumbs Up! - Siskel and Ebert".

I once had an idea for a tv show that was basically like Back to the Future if the first thing Marty had said to his mom was, "I'm your son from the future and my time machine broke down. Will you raise me?" So this young girl has to raise her son who's a couple years older than she is. Then through the whole series,

@Sam Catchem - Wasn't that the plot to Rubicon?

I shall protect you!!

Not since Conan has a program been downgraded this much by switching networks.

Wait, Fox News had a comedy show at one time?
That concept in and of itself is probably funnier than anything that was on that show.

YEAH!!! (blows into whistle ring)

Would rather see Mars needs MILFs
Am I right, fellas? Eh?

Actually, Bill Murray mistook the writer of Garfield as being Joel Coen, when it was actually Joel Cohen. Which means there are a Joel and Ethan Coen and a Joel and Etan Cohen. WEIRD!

I agree with Donkey Lips. In the comic, the characters are shell-shocked, and don't know how to react. They figure out the evil plot, but discover it isn't exactly evil and are powerless to stop it. But the movie tries it's damnest to crank the drama to 11, giving us opera music and showing Dan kicking Andrian's ass

Ol' satchel butt!

I don't think Apatow implied he hated What About Bob. He was just saying that if you want to do a movie about a mentally disturbed, clingy best friend, you can either take the thriller route, like Unlawful Entry or Hand that Rocks the Cradle, or the comedy route, like What About Bob. And they wanted to do a weird

I'd say over time, I've come to see it as the second best of the bunch behind part one. It's shorter than Lost World, the reason for going back to the island makes more sense than part 2's "I'm sending an expedition for some vague reason". And it doesn't try to have some smug enviromentalist message like Lost World.

The Salton Sea
It's about as good as it gets in the genre of "neo noir", it's visually inventive, has the best sardonic narrator since Fight Club, a good villian performance by Vincent D'Nofrio and it's full of weird non-sequiters like the pigeon JFK assassination.