

This thread is CURSED with grammer mistakes, I tell you!!

Will always have a soft spot for the Batman trailer from '89
Not really a work of art, but back before the days of the internet movie site, when you knew absolutely nothing about a movie until the preview came out, it was a pretty big deal. I remember I saw that trailer and then thought of nothing but Batman for the

If it worked for Joaquin Phoenix…
Does this mean all the people I alienated with my weird and insane behavior back in February of '09 would like to see me again? There's still hope!

"She sounds like a Bond girl."

Scene: Lord Chesterfield's mom's basement

Pauline Kael
Rest in peace, you old bitch.

They had teeth instead of mandibles! TEETH!!!!

Born Yesterday is right. It's not a joke. I really did fart into my own ass.

So far, PIXAR has done movies about the secret world of toys, bugs, monsters, fish, superheroes, cars, rats, robots and old people. I say, why not the secret world of mentally handicapped people? The goofy, lovable characters and tear-jerker moments practically write themselves.

Why are there two CGI supervillain movies coming out this year?
This is like Antz and A Bug's Life all over again. Is there alot of industrial espionage in the world of computer animated kid's movies or something?

Did you guys know they're making a movie called…
Not Another Not Another Movie? That spoofs all these lame spoofs. Jeez, I haven't seen a paradox like that since that time I farted into my own ass.

It's like Raaaaa-in on your wedding day
It's a free riiiiiii-de when you've already paid

If I Pander To Nerds, I Become A Icon… But You Will Blow Me First

In which case their theme song changes from "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" to "Material Girl".

Pasting pictures of kids heads onto pictures of naked bodies is illegal?
This reminds me of a girl I had an art class with who painted a picture of herself as a young girl with the body of a naked grown woman. Was this illegal, and more importantly, is it wrong that I kind of got a boner looking at it?