Captain Splendid

Better story than the ex-girlfriend one.

"Why should I change my name?  He's the one who sucks!"

Not enough Like buttons in the world…

It's not that simple.  First, most of those ships were in shitty condition.  Second, as episodes like Black Market, Dirty Hands and The Woman King showed, life was shit and misery on the fleet.  Third, it looks like they kept some stuff like shelters and tools and the odd raptor…(and I also think they didn't have that

Got your back:  Been rewatching the series recently and was thinking about just that during season 1.

Nah.  Mackie's decent, and Mr. Blonde should fit neatly in Terence Howard's narrow range.

"Considering his original idea was for Dr. Manhattan and Nite Owl to be
Captain Atom and Blue Beetle,  his argument sort of fails."

Yeah, the difference Engine is one of those books where the bulk of the story has almost nothing to do with the point it's trying to make.

When you put it like that, it's a good thing Adam Sandler's American or people might just start not liking us Canadians.

Miracle Whip!  Now With More Goblin Cum!


This paragraph needs to be printed, framed and hung on a wall:

"Where does he get these mediocre toys?"

"I mean, seriously - how the fuck can you mess up a movie like COWBOYS AND ALIENS"

As much as I kinda hate 'em, he was born to play Cousin Eddie in the Vacation movies.

We already knew this, I think.

This.  I'm always a little stunned when I find out some very 80s song or movie is listed as coming out in '90 or '91

No, yes, yes.

Does a TV series count?  And no, the Huxtables, etc. never really fought.

Seeing as his first hosting was the first time I've been seriously impressed by an SNL host, it should be pretty good.