Deke Rivers

Marty DiBergi:
Now, during the Flower People period, who was your drummer?

Hey, I'm older than the two stars of this movie and I somehow know about The Hunger Games but not (much about) Harry Potter.

I can't believe
my eyes.


Yes, I too enjoy watching Jews get hit in the face repeatedly, especially when it's Larry or Shemp taking the beating.

My favorite episode of this show was when the family assimilated Captain Jean Luc Picard.

Great story. Compelling, and rich.

LW1.  Quit your whining.

They're latex facsimiles of Tera Patrick's tits. I should know since I'm wearing my pair right now.

…The Anna Nicole Story and Behind the Candelabra.

I think "Mr. Drug Taking Expert" was on drugs when he watched these episodes.  But since I'm always hammered, what do I know?

I dunno, I saw this movie yesterday and thought it was kind of gay.

Real men can hold their liquor AND their hashish. Also, real men know how to swim stoned.

I can think of a couple of good reasons right off the top.

I see crop circles.

Well put young man. I am a boomer and recognize that that sitcom is a shit sandwich although I do quite enjoy that infomercial with Peter Fonda hawking cd's of 60's/70's music for Time Life.  Also, although I have never been married, I have wrecked a few homes in my day so your mom and I would have differing opinions

Junior year in high school I fell asleep one afternoon at our Park Avenue apartment.  The help let in classmates Mimsy, Muffy and Bitsy and they proceeded to draw a couple of red spots on my napping face with a felt tipped marker.  I woke up, looked in the mirror and shrieked in horror to what I thought were two

Yes I do. I am also fond of my woman from Tokyo, Irene, and double amputeed Mexican girls named Consuelo.

"Come on Eileen" was a favorite porn site of mine years ago.  You say it had a theme song?

I would like to read an article on why I absolutely hate Scott Ian's stupid beard as my prose is lacking.