She has indeed had anal sex and and someone did indeed come on her face.
She has indeed had anal sex and and someone did indeed come on her face.
I like Harry, but fuck Harry.
Even though I hate Michael Bay and his movies, I am very happy to learn that he was clueless about these turtles origin, just like I and all other responsible adults are. Now good day.
As is yours.
How soon we forget a very animated and emotional Bobby in Season 2 when he shouted " Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!" to Father Gill.
Paul Newman is a tough one but here's a fine Strother Martin impersonation for your pleasure:
Don't know about Paul Newman, but his old racing pal and William Mapother's cousin, Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, had a small role in Planet of the Apes as the young chimp who ratted out Charlton Heston in that big chase scene. Young Mapother IV did his own stunts and required no makeup.
To be fair, Billy Crystal is 65 and Marisa Tomei is 48, so that really wouldn't be a stretch to play Billy's girlfriend as long as her character had Down syndrome.
Well I don't care what anyone thinks, I always howl with glee when Billy says "mashugana"!
I do know The Good Wife is filmed in NYC, but why bother having New York Mayor Bloomberg (and his deputy mayor, Patricia Harris) on congratulating Peter in his Chicago HQ's? Maybe next season former Yankee, Danny Tartabull, will guest star as himself helping the pledge drive of local Chicago PBS station, WTTW.
I want Grace to be murdered and then get those master sleuths from AMC's, The Killing, to solve it over the next five seasons. Or not, but I do want Grace dead.
Jesse Jackson Jr. and wife would claim that campaign expense as justifiable.
"And on the subject, it's this man's opinion that Alicia can do better than Will OR Peter"
Now Peter will become the latest in a long line of corrupt Governors for the great state of Illinois.
Smacky, I had a little boy boner often around the cute girls in the neighborhood from the time I was three..
Gay five year olds are to attend kindergaydar and they are to wear adorable uniforms of lederhosen and small Tyrolean hats.
I knew I liked females in a special way when I was four even though the boys I played with and I would hold many meetings of the local women haters club (moms and the sexy nine year old girl down the street didn't count).
Um…okay then.
That's cool, women love shopping, gossiping, drinking cute, fruity drinks that end in "tini" and watching their favorite girl shows with their gay bff's.