Idiot Control Now

I think that's part of what makes this movie so great. You can watch it as a dumb 19-year old and think, "wow, Rob's such a cool guy!" And then you can watch it as a 35-year-old and think, "wow, Rob's such an asshole!" The movie works on both levels, although I think the "correct" interpretation is the latter one.

I don't understand how this didn't make Angela Bassett a mega-star. She certainly deserved to be.

"Have ye a valediction, boyo?"

Considering she'd done a film adaptation of The Crucible with Daniel Day-Lewis the year before, this certainly would have been a very different experience for her…

Penthouse by Luna
Moon Safari by Air
Greatest Hits by Al Green


I think a lot of people, like me, find season 4 the best but also the most difficult to rewatch. It's just so bleak.

Ah, nuts. I learned so much about movies from him as a dorky teen with nothing to do on Friday nights but watch TCM. Vaya con dios, sir.

Says someone who never heard Mickey Rooney spit fire about all his bitches.

Kudos for trying to elevate the level of conversation in here. A futile effort, but noble nonetheless.

I like the one where they call up Jeffrey Tambor in his car.

If half the movie is just the Predator being a total dick to the kid, a la IM3, then I'm sold.

I half-remember something I read about Shane Black ending up in the movie because they needed someone on set to distract Sonny Landham.


How far down the line of succession do we have to go before we get to someone who doesn't make me throw up in my mouth?

I mean in 98% of all Tom Cruise roles, he just plays "Tom Cruise:" a slight variation on his actual personality. Collateral and Magnolia are two of the few movies where he actually creates an entirely different character (and quite well, I should add.)

Probably Mann's last great movie (although I have a lot of affection for Miami Vice.) He managed to coax an honest-to-god performance out of Tom Cruise, which is no mean feat.

Solitary Man is pretty great, too.

I finally started it this year, and it's already one of my all-time favorite shows.