Idiot Control Now

The war definitely played a major role; "the right to fight" as equals had been a goal of activists since at least World War I. Many veterans also went on to play major roles in the civil rights movement.

We'll always have Bowfinger.


Hey, there's no Internet in the belly of the sarlacc pit.

Ah, I must have missed that part. Thanks.

So is Stavros' story over now? Also, WHAT ABOUT THE FISH?

Liked for the grammatically correct use of "Captains America."

Somebody really needs to bring back IRON EAGLE.

I don't think Duvall will ever top The Apostle. Such a smart, charming little movie and very true to life.

You mean, BIG RED NO.

I loved the car salesman. Not an important role at all, but the writers and the actor sketch out a very plausible, recognizable type of person in about two minutes ("I don't even have a cousin!")

Yeah, if the DC universe is anything like ours, all the newspaper reporters have been laid off and are working as PR flacks. As many others have noted, the most outlandish thing about Superman comics is the fact that the Daily Planet is still in business.

"Myself, the boy, two droids… and no questions asked."


You say that like it's a bad thing.

I believe there's another JLU episode where Hawkgirl ribs the Flash about being "the fastest man alive." For what was ostensibly a kids' show, JLU could be surprisingly adult.

Next on Watch This: Nothing But Trouble.

Dolly is the best. That is all.

It's a dead heat between this one and "Task Force X" for me. This season gave us so many great ones to choose from, for sure.

I had to look up Hardhome to remember what it was. I'll say this for Martin; he does an excellent job of filling his world with so much interesting history and mythos.