If only Mickey had masturbated more, he might have made it a few more years.
If only Mickey had masturbated more, he might have made it a few more years.
Don't forget Out of the Past.
I knew what this was without even having to click on it.
Eh, it's no Cable ACE Award.
I demand the return of the Sweet Life with Rachel Sweet!
That boy ain't right.
Or a great '70s neo-noir:
Last team in the NFL to integrate, don't forget.
Hey, I got that reference!
Twenty-odd years later, and I can still recite the opening narration by heart.
Season six is where they pretty much wrap up all of the mythology plot. There are good episodes in later seasons, but almost all of them are monster-of-the-week stuff.
Well, you're half right, anyway.
I'm curious to see The Killing's Mirielle Enos (fuck you, The Killing) as a psycho DEA agent instead of a moody lump of sweater.
As someone who's been mainlining New Vegas for hundreds and hundreds of hours since it came out, I demand a new flavor of RPG/shooter-flavored video game crack right now!
The A.V. Club
The equivalent of having full blown AIDS as troll
Yeah, I get the sense that Marty's disastrous visit to his mistress' apartment is fueled less by alcohol than by rage and his burning need to conform to a particularly toxic conception of manhood.
Turns out we're all adopted.
The AV Club: For low values of 'functioning'
That's funny, I was just thinking I was old because this was the first club show I ever went to. I think I still have the t-shirt I got that night.