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    It's the opposite of "Deadia"

    I'm stunned that Nicholas Nickleby gets pushed into the third paragraph by a couple of sitcom appearances and doesn't appear in the headline at all. That's what I remember him from and is his most important leading role.

    What else would you expect from a former Hill's Angel? But yes the fact that none of her "relations" sounded anything like her really grated on me, especially the mockney brother

    John Hurt as Don Quixote? 75-year-old alcoholic John Hurt? What could possibly go wrong?

    And a Pregnant horse, what's more

    Call the Police!
    Shouldn't we call the Church?
    Call the Church Police!
    'Ello 'ello 'ello wot's all this then Amen?

    The moral of the story is, don't call your child "Chester".

    They can't beat Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone, Olivia de Havilland and Claude Rains so why even try?

    It's been forty years since I first read LOTR, and I had the single-volume version, but I remember being seriously stalled when Frodo and Sam were trudging through the Dead Marshes. I didn't skip though - that would be cheating! Plus eventually Gollum shows up and the comedy starts.

    I haven't seen Elementary so I don't know the parallels. But book Faramir and film Faramir are very different characters, particularly in the Two Towers - one of the reasons why it's my least favourite film of the three.

    If his solution to Sherlock's problems isn't murder/suicide, then he's a better dad than Denethor. Low bar.

    My Hippogriff's breath smells of Hippogriff food.

    So let me get this straight - there's a major earthquake, millions of people are in danger, the Rock is in the LA FD, and he steals his helicopter and flies it north to rescue his daughter because fuck you citizens I am supposed to protect and serve? How is this supposed to make him heroic as opposed to a selfish

    Featuring music from Those Fucking Unicorns?

    So you're looking for sex with Barbara Windsor?

    I think Paleo almonds were the kind with the cyanide in them, so yes.

    The best sex I ever had could be described as "stunning onlookers".

    How could a character called "Elektra" possibly have daddy issues? In other news: the rat symbolises obviousness.

    The A.V. Club
    It could also be a woman with a deep voice

    Everything probably seems positive when you're dead, even watching a boring film.