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    President Trump now has a crescent burnt into each of his retinas but nobody dares to call out the ISLAMIC TERRORISM of the Sun!


    This sounds like an overthought version of Soupy Norman

    As my 3.5-year-old daughter says: "what the what"?

    I don't think Gerry Adams is a "British Government Official". Now if it was Arlene Foster….

    Flat caps should never look that new. My guess is that he's retiring until his cap has aged enough for his next part.

    "a trope that Idle all but invented decades before as part of Monty Python". You've obviously never seen a panto.

    Is it normal to have child custody court cases held in public, and decided by a jury? Obviously for Jones there's no such thing as bad publicity, but that's not true for the children whose interests were supposed to be the main concern of this circus.

    Would this be a double major?

    Given the gas content, it sounds like they're starting with fartbots, then possibly progressing to more advanced human interactions, but who am I to question the wisdom of thd Disney Corporation?

    So what kind of reaction can we expect from Dikachu's stroboscopic flashing?

    Where am I?
    What's that thing there?
    Are those my feet?

    Alabama, fulfilling stereotypes since 1861

    I am Michael and I have no Willy

    The odds must be against them. How many divine goat-men are there?

    Or Two Lovers with a Bear Behind

    "As a fan, I can’t wait to see it come to life as a world-class television event”. On the other hand, Syfy.

    Not a word about his Ehrlichman character in Washington Behind Closed Doors? I still remember Clive James's praise of his "swinish malevolence". He was such a good swine!

    I can't get used to Mel Gibson's looking like Tiger from Kipper the Dog. Just in appearance, mind you. Tiger's annoying, not insane.