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    Given that Van Helsing is already an old man in the late 19th century, if she's his daughter she must be undead, right? Is that the twist?

    Is VoteHonkey a comment on the lack of racial diversity in this election?

    Fr Fintan Stack. Or any of the priests' names on Father Ted but that one stands out, probably because Brendan Grace was an older generation of comedian than most of the other one-offs on the show.

    But Louis Walsh is still very much alive. Why does America have all the good luck?

    We already had a Pepe Le Pew movie. He was called Dominique Strauss-Kahn

    So long as he doesn't become a lumberjack

    So this is Tarzan, the straight Roger Casement?


    God damnit. I managed once to leave my car in gear and almost got pinned between it and the garage. Stone cold sober. So no, not necessarily alcohol, just momentary inattention, the cause of most car accidents.

    And Prince Charles is still alive. Where's the justice?

    Jesus, Neelix. Now my afternoon is ruined.

    So what you’re saying is that Mørck is a løøse cannon, but
    he gets results?

    Who's playing Lothar? And Narda?

    Batman V. Superman: Dentist of Armenian Extraction

    I don't want Caligula in my head, thanks.

    So he's an Islamic moslem? It's worse than I thought! Vote Trump!

    Ah, the 1930s, when college football players were expected to actually pass their classes and not be waved through by cowed professors.

    I have a friend who thought that polyamory was being in love with a brightly-plumed macaw. Or maybe it was a cockatoo.

    This should finish her in mainstream politics. No narcissistic star of a crap reality TV show could ever expect to be considered for high public office in the United States.

    Credit card? Must have been a big lunch.