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    Unless Dr Emoto is attended by Samurai Robots, I see no reason to believe his research.

    The AV Club
    If you're a miserable piece of garbage, you might very well love this

    When are we getting the Jar-Jar Junior: Origins we have been clamouring for?

    Go to Belfast (or Toronto) on July 12, you'll be very happy.

    Well my grandparents are dead, my parents are dead and I'm not feeling too hot myself. What did you say this show was called again?

    My daughter has known since she was 4 always to ask for the boy toy

    Joke's on you; the movie's actually set in The Drones Club, and Firth plays Bingo Little.

    If Buddy-Cop Horror Movies are now a thing, can Slasher Rom-Coms be far behind?

    Philip Marlowe. Good drinker, good stories and stands by his drinking buddies to the end (cf The Long Goodbye).

    You go out to mow the grass and the next thing you know you've got three kids chained up in your living room and no idea how they got there.

    They bites our hands, they gnaws our feet!

    It's time they got rid of their outdated monarchical system and instituted a democracy where everyone gets to reproduce!

    "he doesn't have a mean bone in his body"

    I liked the one where the other Friends staged Geli Raubal's suicide to cover up Hitler's affair with his niece. The Adolf 'n Eva romance/death pact was always the heart of the series, anyway.

    They're all dead and the plane is hell - that's what transatlantic flights feel like anyway.

    "Hand over de Valera and no-one gets hurt!"

    You mean they've moved up from the traditional dartboard?

    Was his name Montgomery Burns, by any chance?

    So it's "Whoops Apocalypse" but in America?

    On the other hand, porn….