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    I thought "baker" was a bit of a stretch as a trope, then I remembered that in House Calls, Glenda Jackson has a small business making cheesecake. And that's over 30 years ago.

    Is the blonde in the middle a living human being? If so I think they overdid the Undead Barbie look just a little bit.

    and while carrying a detailed map labelled "My Pot-Growing Operation", apparently.

    a) Faking your work - OK
    b) Faking a disability - OK
    c) Exploiting, for cash, the deaths of tens of thousands of people in a tsunami via a) and b) above - OK
    d) Allowing music of less-than-pristine integrity to be used for Ice Dance - NOT OK!

    On the other hand, no rust. Surely that's something?

    I once heard "Eye of the Tiger" played by the Dallas Banjo Band. This cover version has never been surpassed in my opinion and I hope the Dallas Banjo band don't get sued by Sony, Survivor or iTunes now that I've let his particular cat (hah!) out of the bag.

    "A Zac Efron Movie" is a defined thing now?

    I've lived in the States for 11 years and it still confuses the hell out of me. As far as I can see anybody with a full-time job is "middle class".

    They must have thought this would be even better than Bright Star

    The original had an environmental message in that the triffids are artificial plants bred for their oil, so they're like Corn Ethanol subsidies except not so stupid.

    Haven't seen that one, but the 1981 BBC series was pretty good and hewed very close to the book. The Triffids weren't very good, however, thanks to 1980s BBC effects budget.

    I am shocked, shocked to find someone in this establishment who is thinking the exact same thing I was thinking!

    Also surely you mean "a Presbyterian chapel which transforms into a robot who is predestined to use shoulder-mounted rocket launchers to do God's work"?

    Hello Mum! Hello Dad!
    Hello Son!
    There's another dead bishop on the landing Mum!

    Devil's Due 2: Satan's Sibling

    Yeah, would it have killed them to have at least one Velour-Monster-American non-recurring character?

    So the new show is Alien -v- AI: Requiem?

    No, the sign means "NO eye-gouging".

    I understand the justification for dubbing the dialogue in Italian films is they are released not just in Italy but across Europe. Therefore if you're going to dub the dialogue for the French, English, Spanish, German etc versions you may as well dub the Italian too instead of trying to get a usable soundtrack during

    From what I remember about the Ames case, he was an alcoholic who was living way beyond his means for a long time (IIRC, he bought a rather large house for cash), but got away with it by claiming it was his wife's money, which no-one adequately checked out. The question is why he wasn't caught or at least thoroughly