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    I was wondering how Kevin Kline suddenly got younger - so that's what Joaquin Phoenix looks like with a moustache?

    I'm guessing that Penelope Cruz's son is not her biological child but a baby from Sarajevo that she agreed to take out of the city to escape the siege. Why this should be such a huge "reveal" I don't know.

    The Vikings with Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis. Appropriateness for 10-year-olds? Well it starts out with a rape and Tony gets his hand chopped off half way through. On the other hand, there's a full-on Viking funeral in the middle with the old chieftain being launched in a burning longboat while The Vikings theme

    "an audience who’s already been primed for splashy spectacle by watching the luge". O'Neal has reached perfection.

    If the title refers to her hair, shouldn't it be the other way around?

    I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,

    I'm from Braunau-am -Inn! famous for being… er… on the Inn,

    Kung Fu Panda, you idiots!

    just stop sniffing your brother, OK?

    Great to see IES Chang made it back from the farm upstate where he was going to play with all the other business developers.

    It's not heresy to say that Great Expectations is one of Dickens's weaker novels - I suspect that the reason it's constantly being adapted is because (a) it's relatively short and (b) it's the Dickens novel that most American highschoolers are forced to read, because of (a). Bleak House or Our Mutual Friend are just

    How many swingers can there be in rural Wisconsin?


    So is this the real ZMF?

    Halloween's over, Carrie; stop scaring the children!

    Alive Alive-O: Fishmongers must Die!

    Eating your brother's heart seems a bit too mythological for a boy band.

    McGruff! You're off the case! Hand in your collar and your… errr… dish?

    For fuck's sake, two Raymond Chandler inspired shows in a week and both of them sound like shit.

    The head vampire in twilight is a doctor. God forgive me for knowing this.