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    I didn't realise we needed The Wild Geese for the 21st century. On the other hand - Ben Affleck is this generation's Roger Moore!

    Read your constitution!

    I think this is the guy who played Mr Pancks in the last TV Little Dorrit, who was a real standout.

    "Buncombe County" is just the icing on the cake of this story.

    If he quacks incomprehensibly he'd be even sexier

    I remember watching that trailer on my DVD copy and being amazed that it's basically all "Bogart and Bacall! Together Again!". Obviously the star power is a big draw even now but it was practically the sole selling point when it was released.

    The picture makes it look like Thunderbirds except with smaller heads.

    I guess an a/c unit is heavier than the traditional kung fu fan, but it seems a little cumbersome.

    So a centaur tells us where the boat is? This seems to be a little less realistic than they'd have us believe.

    Britain had a similar system in the mid-19th century. All prisoners in solitary all the time with only the Bible to read, except for excercise, when they had to wear masks and were not allowed to talk to or look at each other. It had to be stopped when the number of prisoners who went insane under the system became

    and Colin Firth, but who could blame him?

    While Man-Ant still awaits a major motion picture?

    Frankie Brady not a bad bastard any more.
    Seriously, nobody thought of The Butcher Boy, either the book or the film?  Obviously you haven't had enough Flash bars.


    or d'AckAck for short?

    Damn.  I was hoping for "Those Fucking Unicorns".  But that of course is a great name!

    First I'm insulted for remembering Alias Smith and Jones and now I'm being insulted for rembering Ironside.  Well let me tell you kids […snores].

    HEY PAISANOS! It's the super Marconi, Fermi and Verdi Science and Culture hour!

    Acording to Genesis all animals were vegetarians before the fall.  Handy for T-rex that they just happened to already have massive shearing teeth when they had to switch.

    WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! Woofwooofwooof! AROOOOO….