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    I would have said the lab chief, but considering how long paedophiles are able to hang onto their jobs in "real life", that may have been the most realistic part of the show.

    and three days later: Tyler Perry's Massacre of the Innocents: Rachel Laughs to Keep from Crying

    "he can only eat buns, he's not allowed on public transport and he has to wash himself in a rather… special way."

    So this is a kids'-movie version of "King Lear"?  The play which tells you that you get old, you lose control over your life, you go mad when you realise this, you recover your sanity only to witness the death of vour child, then you die.  A little bleaker than the usual "follow-your-dreams" stuff, certainly.

    Chief O'Hara: P.I.

    19. They're just a way of getting from point A to point B.
    20. The electric ones are less environmentally-friendly than they're made out to be.
    21. He can't figure out where that irritating squeaking sound is coming from.

    That just leaves "fat asshole married to woman with obviously fake tits".  Is that what you really want?

    Making good use of the things that we find,
    Things that the everyday folk leave behind
    That might be taken a bit personally

    The A.V. Club
    staring at oneself angrily in the mirror while taking swigs from a flask

    How long did the complete werewolf transformation take?

    Use your aggressive feelings, Todd. Let the hate flow through you.

    That Jennifer Garner, always kicking against the pricks.

    My guess is "no".  Wilson is the founder of the "security" state so we can't critise that, obviously.

    My first impressions of Wilson were from HL Mencken's articles, and Mencken hated him for his "security" policies, so I've never understood the Wilson-worship you get in America.

    He also kept Ireland out of the Versailles conference, when he explained that when he was in favour of self-determination for all nations, he didn't mean Paddies, Darkies or Arabs.

    Given gthat the kind of people who believe in the rapture - (some) American protestant fundamentalists - don't believe in Purgatory, I think the last sentence doesn't work out.

    Zombies in Love
    Zombies in Space
    Zombies go to College
    Fatass Zombie married to non-Zombie woman who's way out of his league.
    Young Zombies just trying to make it in New York.
    Zombie Rape Squad
    Quirky Zombies do something Quirky in a workplace environment

    I'm at work so can't listen to the clips.  Is Chiklis's accent at Bert-the-Chimneysweep level of craptasticness?

    So long has they have characterless, inexperienced actors playing the origin story younger versions, I'm sure everything is going to be OK.

    I'm normally not a critic of the European Union, but I think these replies illustrate a waste of taxpayer's money even more scandalous than the Common Agricultural Policy or Strasbourg.