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    Aaaaactually, on sailing ships you shat off the front, hence the term "head".  Since the wind was usually coming from the back you wanted anything smelly as far forward as possible.

    Given that male ants die immediately after mating, virginity might not be a bad option for Ant-Man.

    There was also the "Ford Prefect isn't black!" component of the nerdnarok which greeted The Hitch-hikers's Guide to the Galaxy".

    You got paid $8778 for not using spellcheck?

    She's got to fall asleep eventually, @avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus

    She should be ♠ for the sake of humanity

    The A.V. Club
    "a greedy hunger for full control of Lellouche’s pines"

    That's "draggin' on the ground" penis, I assume.

    Of course!  It's not like they're illegal aliens.

    Neutered for the safety of the actors

    No, he said "orphan".

    and "Dive in Les".  Apparently.

    Don't ask anyone to sing "O Holy Night".  I have heard that song mangled many times.  "Fall on your knees!" is usually the point at which it seriously starts going off the rails.

    The problem with the Tain from the TV point of view is it has a definite end.  If they want several seasons, the tales of the Fianna might be a better bet.  It's got everything - political intrigue (Cormac and Cairbre), romance and magic (Diarmaid and Grainne, Fionn and Sadhbh), fantasy (Tir na n-Og), comic relief

    Well Drama majors have no souls.  Duh!

    HDB.  I think others have alluded to this in passing, but this isn't a bottle of scotch or a Christmas basket.  It's a 5-figure bribe.  And given that he knows the "owner" he will know whether you have accepted this or not.  If you do, he assumes you are under an obligation to him - then he's going to ask you for a

    Yeah it is Ingolstadt and I forgot the charnel houses bit.  I only read it a year ago so my mind is really slipping.

    As far as I remember the book has no graverobbing, no lightning, and no castle in the mountains.  Frankenstein in the book is a bourgeois grad student in the university of Heidelberg, not an aristocrat with a doctorate.  And of course in the book he's a complete asshole.

    I remember Alias Smith and Jones and I'm still al

    Why is everyone blushing in that picture?