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    Where did she leave her mother last?  Has she taken the sofa cushions off and checked the lining?

    Dr Huxtable

    Sharknado and Sharknadability
    The Shark Knado Returns
    Sharknado -v- MantaRayGun: Requiem

    Dammit! I was going to do that!

    Who's going to watch that outside Japan?

    That sounds like it was very early production or pre-production version of the script, since in the film the character who comes to London is an IRA man on the run, not a demobbed British soldier.  Also, but less essential to the plot, the British soldier hostage is accidentally killed by his own side during a rescue,

    If it was Kirk Cameron Left me Behind, then it wasn't a fire.

    Turbo2: Hermaphroditic Boogaloo

    Agh Burzum-Ishi Krimpatul?

    Exactly!  It's been going through my head ever since I saw the heading of the article.  I can't believe they missed it.

    It seems to me that the most likely verdict would be using excessive force to defend himself, which would be manslaughter, but I have no idea how Florida's stand-your-ground law figures into all this (i.e. can you just pull out a gun and shoot someone dead because you're being beaten up, when the other guy has no idea

    OK, so it's a documentary about breasts.  What could be wrong about that?

    Moobs certainly, but tastefully, I think not.

    I've read this review and I can't for the life of me see how it gets a B-.  2.5 hours of an "ironic" movie which substitutes references to other movies for a script and in IV's own words "pastiche for plot".  Also "fun matter", i.e. sticking in a chase sequence after you've quickly run out of ideas, is compensation? 

    Always proud of memory loss?  Or of not giving a shit?

    If you think one-handed typing at work is bad, you should see how exhausting most one-handed typing on the internet is.  Or maybe not.

    ET's mom?  For me The Howling is the werewolf film with Steed as the werewolves' PR man.

    The only violent film I can remember seeing in Primary school is The Vikings, which starts with a rape and where Tony Curtis has his hand chopped off.  Both events take place off-camera, though.  It's apparently something every Irish kid my age must have experienced since it's also in Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha.

    That would be an ecumenical matter

    Minimal Effort -v- Audience Pandering: Requiem