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    Wait, Wait!  Cock-Ring fighting is a thing?  And Steven Seagal is somehow involved?  I'm confused.

    Only 1/3 as good as Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha

    "This… is… the… Self… Preservation… Society….".  You ever drive a bus, Morgan?

    Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Orlando Bloom Will Work for Food.

    Why is Alf smoking crack

    You get the "trees living at a much slower pace than animals" thing in The Sword in the Stone also.

    Novels? Melodrama?  I would say on the contrary that most 19th century literature and performance art was made for the middle classes and those members of the working class who could read, which by 1900 was most of them.  Even opera was much more of a mass-culture artform - Verdi, Puccini, Rossini were huge musical

    So kind of like The Happy Prince, except with Robocop?

    Then they saw the knife in my hand, and they laughed no more!
    WHY WHY WHY… etc.

    I'm wondering about Ironside.  You have to be my age (outside the "demo") to remember it, even barely.  What's the commercial advantage in remaking a show that old?  Pulling in the wheelchair fetishists?

    dum di dum di dum.. Hello, I'm de famous Eccles.  Oh, also I'm on de wireless and dead.

    After looking at that picture, I wish Santa had left his sack back in the sleigh.

    I opened the link and immediately asked myself what a "groin-emptying comedy" might be.  I really need new glasses or a better brain.

    Yeah, make Rick taller, give him more hair, and get rid of that weird speech impediment.  I'm thinking Taylor Kitsch here!  Also does the second lead have to be Czech? Sounds too much like Chechnya and our program shows that American audiences only tolerate foreigners as comic relief.

    Chaste, stalker-y sexy vampires.

    I think Sam's point is that Hamlet wasn't written as a "twist" ending.  It was billed as a tragedy and the original audience would therefore have known going in that the protagonist was going to suffer and in the end almost certainly die, even if they weren't familiar with the details of Danish chronicles.

    Oh come on; next you'll be throwing in a paedophile werewolf!

    For a moment I thought that was "time-travel womble" and had a vision of Tobermory and Great Uncle Bulgaria travelling through the centuries, making the most of everything.

    "The latest upgrade to the Iron Man suit allows the wearer to cross his legs without crushing his testicles"

    The other reason for the health risks is that what comes off first in the distillation process is methanol, and if you have someone who doesn't know what he's doing, only distills it once and puts everything that comes off into the bottle, you end up with methanol poisoning, which can make you blind, mad or dead.