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    Makes as much (or as little) sense as "fight from the heart".  Maybe it should be "Kaempfen vom Herz", if "fight" is supposed to be a verb.

    Presumably they didn't call the German version Kampf vom Herz in case people thought it was about Hitler's love life.

    Caligula, of course.  Just like Jacobi will always be Claudius and Brian Blessed will always be.. well he'll always be Brian Blessed.

    He was a paleontologist on TV, which means he thought that homo sapien was the singular of homo sapiens

    [Falls on knees, raises head, shakes fists at an uncaring God]

    I'm assuming the hookup, sperm donation and the snooki thing are all the one show?

    I don't know what airlines you travel on but I've never got a penis in an airplane meal.  Not even on United.

    Presumably it was either imprison NBC contestants or boil a Garuda egg, and they went with the stupider option.

    Can't really do Manic Pixie Dream Girl.  How about Phlegmatic Hobbit Nightmare Man?

    Wow.  De Niro looks like somebody took his bottle of Meths away just before they took the pics.

    But now it's funny.

    So, Sonic Middle-Age, then?

    No and No.  Who hates David Copperfield?

    More like a nutcracker.

    So what was the far, far better thing you did?

    Yet again, Great Expectations suffers for its sin of being the only Dickens novel American highschoolers are forced to read.

    NO INCEST!!!!

    Don't you remember that showstopper Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?

    Even though it's in the employee handbook, we still like to remind new hires:

    The good news is that you don't have turtle cancer.  The bad news is that it's testis, not testudo.