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    What the fuck is this Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh?  Where's my cocaine, goddammit?

    I agree.  I can't for the life of me understand why Scott thinks that having the characters speak English with fake Russian accents would be "less distracting", but it obviously distracted him.  Given that it's set on a fucking submarine, and therefore totally self-contained, and that everybody is Russian, speaking


    "Former" AV club editor?  When did this happen?  

    I'm sure he forestalled the inevitable teasing the kid would get in school by calling him Everard.

    How about the Al Jolson version: The Mammy?

    Honestly, Inspector, I just drive around the local villages, stop whenever I see children and offer them a free "99" from the special machine in the back of my van… Right, I'm not saying any more until I can see my solicitor.

    You're serious?  The Jekyll character is actually called "Jack Cole"?  I'm surprised it made it to the second episode.  Somebody must die for this.

    What's Cookie Monster's deep-seated fear?  The Mystery Box?

    Jetlag: 5 o'clock shadow at noon.

    And here was I hoping to read something about the voice of Sher Khan

    You are being unreasonably dismissive of the magic of Supermarionation.  Gerard Butler isn't worthy to comb the eyebrows of Thunderbirds.

    Heh heh, you said "build-up".

    Jesus, there'd be no disguising Taft.

    [Pushes glasses back up nose]
    Actually, in this case, "shtupped" is the preterite, not the past participle, although for "to shtup" the two forms are identical.
    [snorts derisively]

    So the State of Tennesee has officially endorsed a song which glorifies boyfriend-robbing?  I, for one, am shocked.

    In fact, the kid was not an extra-large Christmas cracker containing Billy Crystal's material for the next year.

    In fact, the kid was not an extra-large Christmas cracker containing Billy Crystal's material for the next year.

    Arguably the south was less pro-slavery at the time of the Revolution - i.e. there were serious debates about abolishing or at least phasing it out, and the northern states (which were all slave states in 1776) actually did phase it out in the late 18th/early 19th century.  In many ways the south became progressively

    Arguably the south was less pro-slavery at the time of the Revolution - i.e. there were serious debates about abolishing or at least phasing it out, and the northern states (which were all slave states in 1776) actually did phase it out in the late 18th/early 19th century.  In many ways the south became progressively