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    No.  Vera Lynn was huge in Britain - she was labelled "The Forces' Sweetheart" during WWII and "We'll Meet Again" was a big wartime hit for her, particularly because of the subtext that of course a lot of people weren't going to meet again because they got killed. 

    No.  Vera Lynn was huge in Britain - she was labelled "The Forces' Sweetheart" during WWII and "We'll Meet Again" was a big wartime hit for her, particularly because of the subtext that of course a lot of people weren't going to meet again because they got killed. 

    So was "If moon was cookie" a dream or not?  Is the twist that it isn't a twist?

    So was "If moon was cookie" a dream or not?  Is the twist that it isn't a twist?

    I don't think any adaptation of Dracula has been mad enough to give Van Helsing the kind of dialogue he has in the book; at most he has a "foreign" accent.  The novel's Van Helsing, with the constant pidgin English, is unbearable and really wrecks the second half for me.  Stoker must think dialect comedy is hilarious

    I don't think any adaptation of Dracula has been mad enough to give Van Helsing the kind of dialogue he has in the book; at most he has a "foreign" accent.  The novel's Van Helsing, with the constant pidgin English, is unbearable and really wrecks the second half for me.  Stoker must think dialect comedy is hilarious

    I have a scar on the inside of my left elbow from being impaled on our garden railing when I was four (Accidentally!).  However I have failed to turn into a hulking monster or be the inspiration for a Disney movie as a result.

    I have a scar on the inside of my left elbow from being impaled on our garden railing when I was four (Accidentally!).  However I have failed to turn into a hulking monster or be the inspiration for a Disney movie as a result.

    I'm beggin' with ya, please leave Spider-Man!

    I'm beggin' with ya, please leave Spider-Man!

    The original title, Snooki Solicits, might have been a bigger draw.

    The original title, Snooki Solicits, might have been a bigger draw.

    Also unless you have a leading role you know that the vast majority of the work you did - and sometimes all of it - will end up on the cutting room floor.  A couple of actors have mentioned the experience in interviews of going to a film they had acted in only to realise that their role had disappeared.  I can't

    Also unless you have a leading role you know that the vast majority of the work you did - and sometimes all of it - will end up on the cutting room floor.  A couple of actors have mentioned the experience in interviews of going to a film they had acted in only to realise that their role had disappeared.  I can't

    Jesus, I wish American Highschoolers would read a Dickens novel other than Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities.  Bleak House is a novel that really could be updated to the present day pretty successfully, I think.

    Jesus, I wish American Highschoolers would read a Dickens novel other than Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities.  Bleak House is a novel that really could be updated to the present day pretty successfully, I think.

    I spent a couple of seconds trying to figure out what heterofore-amoral meant.  Obviously my mind is not in the right track fro this.

    I spent a couple of seconds trying to figure out what heterofore-amoral meant.  Obviously my mind is not in the right track fro this.

    Seahorses aren't big enough.  Maybe an irradiated seahorse, for scientific plausibility?

    Seahorses aren't big enough.  Maybe an irradiated seahorse, for scientific plausibility?