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    I'm assuming theyr're not actually going to call it Moby Dick in Space.  How about We need to talk about Ahab?

    I'm assuming theyr're not actually going to call it Moby Dick in Space.  How about We need to talk about Ahab?

    A woman?  On the Space-Pequod??

    A woman?  On the Space-Pequod??

    "Sensual Fire" wasn't drug-resistant in the 70s.

    "Sensual Fire" wasn't drug-resistant in the 70s.

    Or a fish-out-of-water comedy, Dawn French of the Planet of the Apes?

    Or a fish-out-of-water comedy, Dawn French of the Planet of the Apes?

    When are we going to get the Romcom version, From Dusk to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes?

    When are we going to get the Romcom version, From Dusk to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes?

    Exactly.  It should be "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Shits".

    Exactly.  It should be "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Shits".

    But even I shudder at the thought of yet more less-than-Fantastic Four.

    But even I shudder at the thought of yet more less-than-Fantastic Four.

    I, for one, welcome the prospect of further mediocre X-men movies.

    I, for one, welcome the prospect of further mediocre X-men movies.

    The Andy Williams show was a fixture of my childhood.  Not sure why, since I wasn't interested in the easy-listening music, or the special guests, just in the appearance of The Bear, which was the same every time.  (Note for you kids out there "The Bear" was a guy in a bear suit in search of milk and cookies).

    The Andy Williams show was a fixture of my childhood.  Not sure why, since I wasn't interested in the easy-listening music, or the special guests, just in the appearance of The Bear, which was the same every time.  (Note for you kids out there "The Bear" was a guy in a bear suit in search of milk and cookies).

    The list isn't criticising "ambition in art".  It's criticising Oscar bait, i.e. using plot elements that are known to appeal to to the Academy (The Holocaust, Magical solutions to racial prejudice, disabled/retarded people, Inspirational Triumphs Over Adversity) in a cynical attempt to gain Oscar nominations and

    The list isn't criticising "ambition in art".  It's criticising Oscar bait, i.e. using plot elements that are known to appeal to to the Academy (The Holocaust, Magical solutions to racial prejudice, disabled/retarded people, Inspirational Triumphs Over Adversity) in a cynical attempt to gain Oscar nominations and