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    I'm assuming that he's taking the Robert Vaughan part.  I certainly can't see him as Yul Brynner or Steve McFuckingQueen.

    I'm assuming that he's taking the Robert Vaughan part.  I certainly can't see him as Yul Brynner or Steve McFuckingQueen.

    According to all the rumours, a muffin is the last thing he'd eat.

    According to all the rumours, a muffin is the last thing he'd eat.

    City of Lies?  That's almost as good a title as Cairo, Nest of Spies!

    City of Lies?  That's almost as good a title as Cairo, Nest of Spies!

    But are they sapient?

    But are they sapient?

    Farts don't count.

    Farts don't count.

    This is why my in-laws won't let me visit any more.

    This is why my in-laws won't let me visit any more.

    Because he ran the Universe's most boring pub on Star Trek?

    Because he ran the Universe's most boring pub on Star Trek?

    Well Hepburn didn't make any attempt at an accent either; I was willing to suspend my disbelief in any case.

    Well Hepburn didn't make any attempt at an accent either; I was willing to suspend my disbelief in any case.

    More likely commodities.  They're the only ones who can figure out Banana/Coconut exchange-rate swaps.

    More likely commodities.  They're the only ones who can figure out Banana/Coconut exchange-rate swaps.

    Serves you right for bugging the guest bedroom.

    Serves you right for bugging the guest bedroom.