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    It looks like type-casting for "bumbling authority figure" and "scheming blonde bitch".

    It looks like type-casting for "bumbling authority figure" and "scheming blonde bitch".

    So you admit you're an alien?

    So you admit you're an alien?

    So he doesn't convert the Chinese to Presbyterianism?

    So he doesn't convert the Chinese to Presbyterianism?



    What about Ros in Frasier?  Originally she seems to be  there as a potential love interest for Frasier, but eventually, after they get that out of the way, the character apparently exists only to give Frasier somebody to talk to at work and otherwise barely has a life of her own.

    What about Ros in Frasier?  Originally she seems to be  there as a potential love interest for Frasier, but eventually, after they get that out of the way, the character apparently exists only to give Frasier somebody to talk to at work and otherwise barely has a life of her own.

    I always hated Riker from day one.  The producers were obviously worried that Patrick Stewart was a gamble for the Captain's role (too bald, too English) and wanted a sexy American as a fallback.  Once Stewart took off, and it became obvious that Frakes had the acting abilities of a lump of wood (in later seasons, a

    I always hated Riker from day one.  The producers were obviously worried that Patrick Stewart was a gamble for the Captain's role (too bald, too English) and wanted a sexy American as a fallback.  Once Stewart took off, and it became obvious that Frakes had the acting abilities of a lump of wood (in later seasons, a

    Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. Much appreciated.  Now to follow up!

    Thanks for all the suggestions, guys. Much appreciated.  Now to follow up!

    Strangely, when I push down on the bottom of my can I also get a disgusting inedible product.

    Strangely, when I push down on the bottom of my can I also get a disgusting inedible product.

    Your mom knows what furries are?  I'd start getting worried.

    Your mom knows what furries are?  I'd start getting worried.

    Serious question for AV Clubbers in general - are there any superhero/heroine comics out there which are suitable for small children - specifically little girls who like TV shows like Godzilla, Spiderman and his Amazing Friends, Iron Man, Superhero Squad (which is basically Avengers Babies) etc.  I'm looking for

    Serious question for AV Clubbers in general - are there any superhero/heroine comics out there which are suitable for small children - specifically little girls who like TV shows like Godzilla, Spiderman and his Amazing Friends, Iron Man, Superhero Squad (which is basically Avengers Babies) etc.  I'm looking for