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    No matter how many times you run that photo - and by now I expect it every time Ms Love is mentioned - my first impression is always that she has a pile of dog shit on her head.

    "Hi Kelly" as the salutation in a job application?  Why not just write "fuck you"!

    "Hi Kelly" as the salutation in a job application?  Why not just write "fuck you"!

    This is where my policy of never bothering to changeover to digital really starts to pay off (and stops making me look like a cheap bastard).

    This is where my policy of never bothering to changeover to digital really starts to pay off (and stops making me look like a cheap bastard).

    Vodka, Fat Guy, Bride of Chucky.  I know which one I'd pick!

    Vodka, Fat Guy, Bride of Chucky.  I know which one I'd pick!

    As soon as they evolve opposable thumbs, this kind of thing starts happening.

    As soon as they evolve opposable thumbs, this kind of thing starts happening.

    No, but apparently he lepton the Big Butts Book

    No, but apparently he lepton the Big Butts Book

    You wouldn't find Hitler playing jungle music at 3 o'clock in the morning.

    You wouldn't find Hitler playing jungle music at 3 o'clock in the morning.

    It's now been retitled Alien -v- Predator: Pentecost

    It's now been retitled Alien -v- Predator: Pentecost

    Well I'm Irish and I've never heard of it, nor has anyone I know.  What's it called?

    And it's not mandatory; essentially it's a tax.

    And it's not mandatory; essentially it's a tax.

    Sounds more like "Beneath the Planet of the Apes"

    Sounds more like "Beneath the Planet of the Apes"