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    I'm assuming Colonel Ingus, Major Fuckup and Private Parts will also make appearances at some stage?

    I'm assuming Colonel Ingus, Major Fuckup and Private Parts will also make appearances at some stage?

    Taking away the sins of the world, metal-style

    Taking away the sins of the world, metal-style

    Magic Mike II: Homoerotic Boogaloo

    Magic Mike II: Homoerotic Boogaloo

    Why no questions about being kicked up the arse?

    Why no questions about being kicked up the arse?

    First Strauss-Kahn and Anne Sinclair and now Tom and Katie!  Where does love go?

    First Strauss-Kahn and Anne Sinclair and now Tom and Katie!  Where does love go?

    I can't believe I've read through all the comments, work-avoidance Friday is in full swing here.

    I can't believe I've read through all the comments, work-avoidance Friday is in full swing here.

    Raised more than an eyebrow, eh?

    Raised more than an eyebrow, eh?

    Everybody stand with your right shoulder forward…    Ok, good enough.

    Everybody stand with your right shoulder forward…    Ok, good enough.

    And Don Ameche is in an urn

    And Don Ameche is in an urn

    I'm not looking forward to the sexy bath scene.  Why couldn't they get the 2012 equivalent of Ally Sheedy?

    I'm not looking forward to the sexy bath scene.  Why couldn't they get the 2012 equivalent of Ally Sheedy?