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    Shouldn't that be "Loretta"?

    Somebody has to repeal the law that gives Judi Dench a part in every English film, or at least put
    in a sunset (or death) clause.

    I did, once I realised that Greg was supposed to be boring, Dharma was supposed to be annoying, and all the comedy came from the parents (especially Greg's dad) and the sidekicks.

    Given that the WWII-era US Army was segregated, it would have been impossible for a black Nick Fury to have been in a white unit.  You could have had a white Captain A commanding an all-black unit or an all-white unit, but not anything else.

    I thought the load was that thing she had on her head in the AV club stock picture

    They're trying to avoid the Titanic curse by having it built by Chinese instead of Protestants, but what if they're Chinese Protestants?  (or yellow Orangemen, if you prefer)?

    judging by the pic, she'll always have a fallback job as the Mouth of Sauron.

    Ave Bieber, Imperatrix Lesbiarum!

    Oh-oh; Diane Keaton movie.

    Galileo or Figaro?  I'll take Figaro.

    Unfortunately, the crow was the first thing he put on.

    Go on! Go on! You will!  There's cocaine in it, Father!

    …and mussels, alive, alive-oh

    So he was the Larry Gogan of America?

    That's right. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about
    everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I'm here to
    kill you, General Howe, for what you done to Nathan Hale.

    The lack of gravity means you never have to be afraid of dropping the soap.

    Why won't anyone write a pre-apocalyptic novel any more? 

    "We weren't lovers like that, and besides it would still be all right" except maybe when it isn't.

    He had a sexual relationship with her during the pretrial hearing?

    How long do we have to wait until he casts her and ring into the Cracks of Doom?