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    A long time ago in a galaxy far away.  That's why it took your friend so long to find out.

    I read the headline as "How to grow a beard"; however the photo clearly showed me my error.

    And that would be bad because…

    So we're outsourcing our serial killers now?  Why can't we buy windowless vans made with pride in the USA?

    This is America baby! Slightly better than Slovakia, slightly worse than Poland.


    It's been a long time since I read it, but I remember The Iron Dream as being hilarious - from the "Hitler is better than Heinlein" blurbs to the description of Hitler fans dressing up in his whacky uniforms at conventions to the hilarious mix of fascism and barely-suppressed homoeroticism that it is the "novel". 

    So is Niccol suing himself, or is there an allegation of cloning here?

    I can't wait for the sequel: Musical Chairs 2: Paraplegic Boogaloo.

    I want to see the thing with the knife-wielding nuns.  Reminds me of Senior Infants.

    That's extremely disturbating

    So we are all Russell Crowe's highly-inbred descendants?  Figures.

    The dinosaurs are just defending their peculiar institutions against mammal aggression.

    I like my women like I like my coffee: staining my pants.

    I saw John Carter on my birthday and then went back and read the books.  The story in the books is fairly simple:
    - Guy passes out in cave,
    - Guy wakes up, walks out of cave, finds self on Mars
    - Guy meets beautiful, naked, chick
    - Guy kills shitload of green/red/white/black/yellow men, makes friends with sidekick and

    News Flash: Earth fails to rotate fast enough for LA musician

    I say kill them all; mutant alien God will know his own.

    The most important question - who's going to be Narda?

    The Hubble's flaw was corrected because the Lloyd's syndicate which had insured it decided it was cheaper to manufacture a corrective lens, buy a slot on the fucking space shuttle, and risk astronaut's lives bolting the new lens to the telescope rather than paying out on their policy.

    I don't see why it was awkward, unless you abandoned him on an ice floe while he was incubating your egg, and never came back with some fish.